good animation, but...
the animation was certainly good, but I can't get the point, it wasnt actually funny or something, still I'll give 10/10 for the animation. :)
good animation, but...
the animation was certainly good, but I can't get the point, it wasnt actually funny or something, still I'll give 10/10 for the animation. :)
I totally agree
I fully agree with berkozoid, I've seen almost every knox episode and it certainly looks like a rip-off, but the sounds wasn't that bad and the movie was very humoristic
i like it
my movie is done with one layer too, but that ain't so good as most of the movies I've seen here. but I like it anyway
very good
I wouldn't do it after you, and believe me, I couldn't possibly do it, very nice
absolutely brilliant, that's so much better as me, way more
Age 31, Male
Zaanlands lyzeum
Joined on 12/13/07